nova-Session: LCA methodology


25 October 2023, 10:00 – 16:00 h (CET) (on-site)

Hosts: Dr. Matthias Stratmann, Ferdinand Kähler (nova-Institute)

10:00Introduction and Welcome
Tour de Table
10:30Relevant norms and standards for LCA
Different use cases and applications of LCA
11:00Methodological Aspects Part 1
System boundaries – Cut off und Materiality, temporal Scope
Functional Unit
Carbon Offsets
Land use and Land Use Change
13:15Methodological Aspects Part 2
Biogenic Carbon and temporary storage
EoL Allocation (in advanced recycling)
Mass Balance and free attribution
Verification and reporting
14:45Coffee Break
15:00LCA in Industry – digitalization and automation
15:10Case Study: AllocNow GmbH – Automated LCA and Sustainability Platform
15:30Final Discussion
16:00End of Session